Full Sized & Taggers Sized Items: Please direct people here to download for themselves. You may direct people to the exact blog post Title when linking. Do Not upload to any on-line file share sites,storage sites or turn into torrents files.

Tutorial Writers: Please DO Not Upload or Supply any of my creations in Material Supplies for tutorials. A credit and a blog link is required on the Tutorial.
Scrap Kit Designers: DO Not Upload or Supply any of my Original creations in any form in any kit. A credit in the scrap kit TOU and a blog link is required in the Credit text. Even for my Previews
You MAY NOT use any of my Personal Usage supplies contained for any commercial endeavors, barter or used for profit in any way
Commercial Usage Items: are clearly Marked anything that is not marked with this on, is for Personal Usage only
PTU Usage Items:Please Be aware if you purchase something it may take up to a few hours to receive especially if you order throughout the night.
I would love to see any tags made with my stuff so you can email me your tags if you have any questions contact me butterflyflutterby

25 January 2014

Website still down my apologies out of my hands

You will have noticed end of November my tutorial website went down, this is beyond my control as I was being hosted by a generous friend. I am waiting to receive the website pages so I can start a webpage of myself once I read up how to do them so please bear with me till I get my pages back. If there any supplies you need in the meantime please ask. I have fixed the main machine which is what I use for PSP the only answer is I doubt I can remember how to use the program. A few have buzzed me to ask were it has gone to and I'm sorry that I do not have more news for you ...!!!!! 

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